Design - Page design options

In the Page tab of the Design area you can find design settings controlling individual pages. Relevant settings appear in the side panel when you navigate between different pages on the left side of the window.

Here you can change options such as the display duration of images in a slideshow, the size of the set cover images, the appearance of masonry galleries and so on.

Unlike the settings in the Style and Layout tabs, these apply just to specific pages not the site as a whole.

Viewing page settings

Select the Page tab on the Design screen to see the applicable page design settings. Navigating to different types of pages will display different options.

Changing page settings

The options you see in the side panel appear based on the page selected. Use the menus and sliders to adjust settings.

For Gallery pages which have several different views (such as a sets view > masonry index view > individual image view) there may be several tabs.

Make sure that you have the correct tab selected.

You can see the page options displayed alongside the relevant window in the examples below:

Sets allows you to control the appearance of set thumbnails.

Index shows the settings for the Masonry view in this gallery.

The Image tab controls the individual image view.

Available options differ between different templates and page types, for example some pages do not have an individual image view.

Previewing changes

The left side of the window shows your site with the changes applied. If you're using a smaller display such as a laptop, you can hide the side panel to see the page fullscreen when adjusting options like Maximum Width.

Some settings will require that you save your progress before being applied.