Dedicated Shop - Cart design

While you are working on cart styles, open the cart in the preview window so that you can see any changes take effect.

Cart style

Click Page then the Components tab. Select the cart Style from the dropdown menu.

List displays smaller images to the side of the product information.

Stacked shows a larger thumbnail above the product information.

Product image

Click Style then the Cart tab. Scroll to the Product Image options and select the image style.

Full shows the image in its normal aspect ratio.

Cropped crops the image to fit into the available space.

General cart styling

You can find all the cart styles under the Style > Cart tab.

Switch from desktop to mobile view to adjust mobile-specific options, such as font and icon sizes.

Checkout cart

At checkout customers are shown a smaller version of the their cart. This section can be styled separately to the main cart and can be found under the Style > Checkout tab.